The Good Nurse Movie Review

The Good Nurse Movie Review
Netflix has been all in on the recent true crime boom, and Tobias Lindholm's "The Good Nurse" is the latest addition to their catalog. Lately, true crime properties have been confined to documentary films or series, limited series, or podcasts, so there's something refreshing about an old-school procedural drama entering the crowded field. While "The Good Nurse" can be uneven, it's not without deeply effective moments.

The film is based on the non-fiction book "The Good Nurse: A True Story of Medicine, Madness, and Murder" by Charles Graeber and adapted for the screen by "1917" co-writer Krysty Wilson-Cairns. If you've seen stars Jessica Chastain or Eddie Redmayne promote their film, the true life details of the case have been a part of their media blitz surrounding the film, but it's best to know as little going in as possible. Isn't it always?

Chastain stars as Amy Loughren, a single mother and nurse, who is stretching herself thin to provide for her daughters. Charlie Cullen (Redmayne) is a new nurse at her hospital, and Amy is in charge of showing him the ropes and letting him shadow her with patients. Amy and Charlie form a fast friendship and start spending time outside of work at her house with her kids, who also take an immediate liking to Charlie. He's charming, playful, a bit weird, and eager to engage and help with Amy's daughters. Amy is blindsided when Charlie's past starts to surface and she is being questioned about him, which puts her in the predicament of trying to parse out what are facts and what are rumors about her new friend. 

The first half of "The Good Nurse" takes its time to unfold as the foundation of Amy and Charlie's friendship is built. The pacing feels slack and occasionally meandering, but the back half of the film shows why. There's an immediate trust built between Amy and Charlie; they feel like two lost souls, who have been desperately searching for friendly companionship. When revelations occur and the trust is upended, the first half of the film feels more justified.

As always, Chastain is strong as Amy, delivering a nice juxtaposed performance as the follow-up to her Oscar-winning turn in "The Eyes of Tammy Faye" (okay, there were a few forgettable movies in between). Amy is in a constant state of spinning plates and Chastain plays her with a quiet intensity, which is far more effective than the bombast required to play Tammy Faye Bakker. Redmayne is especially strong, delivering one of the best performances of his career. As an actor, the Oscar winner has turned people off with his twitchy goofiness (or maybe we all just hate the "Fantastic Beasts" films) but he's operating on another level here. There's a chilling danger in his eyes, which is put to great effect towards the end of the film. Watch for a scene in a diner because he and Chastain play the moment perfectly.

"The Good Nurse" has a bit more on its mind surrounding Amy because she suffers from a heart condition that requires surgery. She doesn't have health care and needs to meet a certain time criteria at the hospital to qualify. This is a maddening aspect to the movie, and while the film's purpose isn't to serve as an indictment of the health care system, it still feels like a surface level plot point. Her condition is repeatedly mentioned, but thinly interrogated.
Anyone who is familiar with the story at the center of "The Good Nurse" won't be shocked by how the film unravels. It's not a cheap thriller with any 'gotcha!' moments, but rather chilly and clinical in its approach. The movie's drab aesthetic takes some time to settle into, but you will be glad you did once you see Chastain and Redmayne perform off each other.

"The Good Nurse" debuts on Netflix on October 26.

The Good Nurse Movie Review By Matthew Passantino
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About Wanni Arachchige Udara Madusanka Perera

Hey, I'm Perera! I will try to give you technology reviews(mobile,gadgets,smart watch & other technology things), Automobiles, News and entertainment for built up your knowledge.
The Good Nurse Movie Review The Good Nurse Movie Review Reviewed by Wanni Arachchige Udara Madusanka Perera on April 13, 2023 Rating: 5


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