Garmin Vivomove Trend Review

Garmin Vivomove Trend Review
The Garmin Vivomove Pattern is a smooth half breed with remote charging.


  • Alluring plan
  • Great blend of wellness following and smartwatch highlights
  • First Garmin with remote charging


  • Can get most highlights for less
  • Battery duration great yet not extraordinary
  • UI takes a touch of learning

Our Decision

  • The Garmin Vivomove Pattern is a pleasant option to Garmin's smooth mixture smartwatch family with its greatest force being those additional remote charging powers.

The Vivomove series is tied in with presenting Garmin's center wellness following and smartwatch highlights in a more complex plan and with the Vivomove Pattern, that, all things considered, pattern proceeds.

Joining the Vivomove Game, Style, and Luxury, the Pattern offers a simple watch look that stows away a computerized screen to provide you with the best of both timekeeping universes.

That truly does likewise mean you have a watch that is fit for flaunting smarts like telephone warnings, everyday step counts, rest information and is even fit to follow some devoted activity time too.

The £279.99/$299.99 cost implies it's not the least expensive Vivomove watch around, placing it in the evaluating an area of full-fat smartwatches like the Apple Watch SE and individual cross breeds like the Withings ScanWatch. The huge news is the expansion of remote charging, however is adequately that to cause the Vivomove Pattern to feel unique?

Plan And Assemble

  • Weighs 43.3g
  • 40mm case as it were
  • 1.01-inch show
Configuration is the characterizing reason regarding the reason why you'd need the Vivomove Pattern over more plainly lively smartwatches that are out there and in Garmin's own watch assortment. Garmin gives you a decent estimated, 40mm polymer case with a treated steel bezel and your pick of four different case and lash blend looks.

The peach gold rendition I tried positively felt an additional ladies centered look, and overall this is a watch that does feels fundamentally focused on ladies, yet I had no issue wearing it and it was a look I believe that can work for any orientation.
Garmin Vivomove Trend Review

Garmin coordinates that polymer case and treated steel bezel with a 20mm, removable silicone tie with a straightforward pin system making it quite simple to eliminate and trade in an authority or informal other option.

There are no actual fastens at all so everything revolves around tapping and pushing at a 254 x 346 goal fluid precious stone touchscreen show that shows up from behind the simple watch face just when you cooperate with it. At the point when you tap and swipe and the watch hands move, that screen for the most part answers well, however could on the odd event at any point take one more goad to inspire it to open up menu or information screen.
Configuration is the characterizing reason regarding the reason why you'd need the Vivomove Pattern
The screen is not difficult to see inside, yet it very well may be somewhat more testing to peer at it outside in a lot more splendid daylight. Fortunately, Garmin allows you to change the screen brilliance, however you are cautioned going extremely splendid stirs things up around town harder.

Around the back is where you'll find Garmin's exclusive optical sensor arrangement, which implies you have something here to follow pulse and blood oxygen.
Garmin Vivomove Trend Review

If you have any desire to take it for a dip, you can do that as Garmin gives it a similar 5ATM waterproof rating applied to other Vivomove models. That makes it fit to be lowered in water up to 50 meters profundity.

Wellbeing And Wellness Following

  • Everyday movement following including steps and rest
  • Tracks pressure and breath
  • Associated GPS for more exact open air following
Garmin isn't actually offering anything new that you couldn't as of now find on its other Vivomove watches. So this is truly about bundling those equivalent elements into an alternate look.

You're getting similar sensors, which incorporate Garmin's Hoist pulse screen, a Heartbeat Bull blood immersion screen, and a barometric altimeter. You don't can coordinate it to outside pulse screens and there's associated GPS rather than the implicit kind, meaning a dependence on your telephone to get additional solid information from your open air runs and rides.
Garmin Vivomove Trend Review

I would agree that that this is a watch that you will basically go to for the sort of following highlights you'd go to a Fitbit for. It will count your day to day advances and give you a bump when you're not sufficiently moving. It will consequently change those day to day step objectives in view of your advancement and having that altimeter implies it will follow your means climbed, which is a decent calorie-consuming movement. Utilizing it close by Apple's action following I found that step includes were well in line and there weren't any days where the absolute step counts felt stunningly off.
It offers a few careful breathing activities to help you de-stress
It's one you can take to rest too, offering a breakdown of rest stages, creating a rest score to rapidly comprehend how positive or negative your rest was, and it catches blood oxygen and breath information for an extra hit of general health information. The precision of those rest following highlights and the unwavering quality of the produced rest scores felt better all in all, and it's unmistakable Garmin's rest following elements are enhancing the exactness front.

That being said, I did in any case find it has the odd issue of following an additional hour of all out rest time, which has been something I've encountered with other Garmin watches previously.

Past some recognizable wellness following elements this is a watch that will follow your pulse ceaselessly as well as pressure utilizing a similar optical sensor, and it offers a few careful breathing activities to help you de-stress. There are ladies' wellbeing following highlights here as well, allowing you to follow feminine and pregnancy cycles and log side effects in the Garmin Associate buddy application.

Garmin's watches overall work really hard of ceaselessly checking pulse and stress and that doesn't change with the Pattern. I found resting pulse information was pleasantly in accordance with Apple's pulse following, which offers probably the most dependable wrist-based pulse checking.
Garmin Vivomove Trend Review

I wouldn't be guaranteed to depend vigorously on the Vivomove Pattern being a watch that you will use for any kind of serious preparation. It offers a lot of preloaded sports following modes, which incorporates running (inside and outside), cycling, pool swimming and yoga.

Pool swimming for example offers substantially more essential swim information than Garmin's more competent Trailblazer watches, while utilizing the screen doesn't loan itself so well while you're putting the associated GPS to use for open air exercises and you really want to look over information rapidly. It can work effectively of following runs and rides, yet it seems like it's pushing the Pattern's screen's capacity to match what you'll see and can ingest on a committed games watch.

Garmin accounts for its Body Battery energy screen and bits of knowledge like wellness age, VO2 Max (for running), and power minutes, so those sensors and followed exercises and action can provide you with a superior feeling of how fit and set you up are for a demanding day or exercise. I'd say the energy screen, while a helpful element on paper, didn't feel colossally keen on everyday use.

What is good to see is that Garmin has found space for its wellbeing highlights like LiveTrack and Episode Location, which truly does in any case require having your telephone close by to raise a caution when you get into a spot of trouble yet lifts exactly the way that helpful this watch is to have on your wrist.

Smartwatch Highlights

  • View warnings
  • Garmin Pay
  • Music playback includes however no music player
At the point when you're not utilizing the Vivomove Pattern to count steps or screen your pulse, it truly does in any case have its purposes as a smartwatch. That blend of simple and advanced plans implies things work somewhat uniquely in contrast to other Garmin watches, however what takes care of business takes care of business pretty well.

You can see telephone notices for local and outsider applications and the presence of those simple hands don't feel like an irritation as they powerfully shift to account for swiping to peruse whole messages and portions of messages. On the off chance that you have it brought together to an Android cell phone you even have extension to fire out preset reactions to messages.
Garmin Vivomove Trend Review

There are committed screens to flaunt significant schedule arrangements and the weather conditions for however long it's associated with your telephone, and there are find my telephone and watch modes, which are generally convenient on the off chance that you have a propensity for losing your gadgets.
There are some smartwatch highlights that don't take care of business
Garmin in all actuality does likewise incorporate its contactless installment support, however especially in the UK, the rundown of upheld banks isn't immense. I was lucky that mine was upheld and includes one more helpful element to have available to you, yet the help isn't generally so smooth as something like Apple Pay for correlation.

There are some smartwatch highlights that don't take care of business here that you will find on other Garmin watches. There's no inherent music player or backing for Garmin's Associate level of intelligence application store. They're not exceptionally shocking oversights given the more complicated UI made by the joint simple and computerized shows.
Garmin Vivomove Trend Review

Eventually, what Garmin figures out how to propose on the smartwatch front functions admirably. I was agreeably shocked by the help for showing notices and keeping in mind that the connection point takes some adjusting to, it's one that is really direct to will holds with once you figure out where things reside.

Battery Duration And Charging

  • As long as 5 days battery duration
  • 1 extra day in watch mode
  • First Garmin watch with remote charging
Dissimilar to a Garmin Fenix or one of Garmin's different games watches, the Vivomove Pattern isn't intended to keep going for quite a long time away from a charger. It guarantees similar most extreme 5 days as the other Vivomove series watches, with a likely additional day to offer something that can in any case say what time it is before it goes completely dead.

I would agree that in light of my testing that five days is totally exact and that is with standard utilization of wellness following, consistent pulse checking, and smartwatch highlights being used. What the Pattern has that no other Vivomove or Garmin watch has is the capacity to charge remotely, a more helpful method for driving it up. You should as of now have a Qi-ensured remote charger, since one doesn't come in the container. I had a couple to give it a shot with and the Pattern dealt with both, so it seems like one that ought to ideally work with most chargers.
Garmin Vivomove Trend Review

Without the remote charging, you truly do in any case have a charging link, which is an alternate plan to the one packaged with most Garmin watches nowadays. So assuming you figured you could utilize an old Garmin accusing link of it, you're tragically in really bad shape.


The Garmin Vivomove Pattern costs £279.99/$269.99 direct from Garmin, hopping up somewhat to £299.99/$299.99 assuming that you pick the peach gold or cream gold bezel forms. That cost places it in and around the value of Garmin's Vivomove Style, which incorporates an OLED show, however costs more than the Vivomove Game, which offers a lower goal screen contrasted with the Pattern.


The Garmin Vivomove Pattern prevails with regards to placing a portion of Garmin's best highlights into another appealing plan. Assuming you care more about advances, rest, checking pulse every minute of every day, and being persuaded to move all the more every day, then, at that point, that is totally where the Pattern dazzles. It can accomplish more, however this is where its assets as a crossover smartwatch lie.

Critically, it conveys those elements with a simple look that seldom feels like it's impeding that computerized show behind it flaunting your details and warnings.

The issue the Vivomove Pattern has is the manner by which it sits in among Garmin's other Vivomove watches. It's a more beautiful looking watch contrasted with the less expensive Vivomove Game, however isn't too distant cost of the Style in cost, which gets you a superior AMOLED show.

It unquestionably equals likewise estimated cross breed smartwatches from Withings and Fossil and assuming you need something that offers a decent harmony among looks and highlights that you'll really find helpful, then, at that point, the Vivomove Pattern offers a lot in those two areas.

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About Wanni Arachchige Udara Madusanka Perera

Hey, I'm Perera! I will try to give you technology reviews(mobile,gadgets,smart watch & other technology things), Automobiles, News and entertainment for built up your knowledge.
Garmin Vivomove Trend Review Garmin Vivomove Trend Review Reviewed by Wanni Arachchige Udara Madusanka Perera on April 18, 2023 Rating: 5


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